
Reworked my personal website. Went from this http://adriengiboire.com/2014 to http://adriengiboire.com/

  • 0
    @Alice 😂 That's interesting. Thanks for reporting.
  • 3
    I hope you aren't using Arch because Arch and vegan together would be a bit over the top.

    Cudos for taking a design cue from https://motherfuckingwebsite.com/ without even CSS.
  • 2
    @Fast-Nop Did not know this website. Mine is faster since I don't want GA 😅
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    @Alice It's something in the server configuration. I would have wanted to do this, I would not have done it better.

    Trying to figure things out.
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    @alice @fast-nop Fixed it. Somehow my server kept an old process running so we were playing the lottery :)
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop No problem being vegan. I'm not using Arch. I thought about it but it's stretching shits for my basic needs. I might be wrong but feels like arch is for more 'advanced'/with specific needs users.
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