
I just love going through the code review gauntlet doing maintenance work, don’t you?

(“boyscout rule” = “leave it better than you found it”)

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    Yeah that rule. I for some reason thought this meant like "scouts honor." Was going to say what's that even gotta do with it?

    (I know one troop that takes this rule so literal as that they clean their feces up before they leave. I personally never did that, but I did put my toilet paper into a trash bag.)
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    I thought that's more "A scout only leaves two things:
    1. Nothing
    2. His thanks"

    Which in this case would mean "delete everything"
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    @kolaente I was in Boy Scouts for roughly 7 years and I've never even heard that lol
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    @Stuxnet I think Baden Powell Said that but maybe it's Europe thing, I've heard it from my local German group and some french scouts 🤔
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    The USA version of that idiom is “take only photos, leave only footprints.”
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    @gblues Never heard that either lol

    "Leave no trace" and "leave it better than you found it" were the main things we were told.

    @kolaente It might be man, I don't have a clue lol. Then again, my troop could have just been very lax about it 🤷🏻‍♂️.
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    @gblues That's what it was when I made eagle
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