
Finally got my stickers! And they go on the BAG, not the expendable digital tools.

  • 2
    From stickers on your laptop you would have more fun though, those you will see every day. On a bag it will be seen probably not even once a week? And airport damage is not helping
  • 2
    @Codex404 I carry stuff around in my backpack every day =). On the laptop just the same team members would see them often!
  • 2
    @disco ah I thought it was a hardcase travelbag because its shiny..
    But my point of wearing damage still stands.
  • 3
    Your bag looks like Lidl grocery bags.
  • 1
  • 1
    @disco I get what you mean with the laptop. And what if you change it?! I've not dared to put mine on my work laptop
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