i love chromebooks, but i wish they built them with more storage. i know that everything by google is based on the cloud and shit so most chromebooks only have like 4gb of storage but if there was a chromebook with 256gb id be in heaven. does anyone else think chromebooks look really nice compared to other laptops?

  • 4
    They look like shit and have a shit OS on it using shit hardware, but otherwise they are great systems.
  • 1
    Very practical laptops if you already have a desktop (and remote to it whenever needed). I don't see more storage would add anything to the experience really.
  • 0
    Eh, just put a NAS or a file server in your network and call it a day 🙂 I've never really understood the idea behind big local storage to be honest. Personally I tend to prefer just putting the system locally and to offload everything else to other hosts on the network. Makes things more centralized and manageable without having to keep a ton of copies everywhere (i.e. more than 2 or 3).
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