The Linux Kernel, not just because of the end product. I find it's organizational structure and size (both in code and contributors) inspirational.

Firefox. Even if you don't use it as your main browser, the sheer amount of work Mozilla has contributed to the world is amazing.

OpenTTD. I liked the original game, and 25 years after release some devs are still actively maintaining an open source clone with support for mods.

Git. Without it, it would not just be harder working on your own source code, it would also be harder to try out other people's projects.

FZF is possibly my favorite command line tool.

Kitty has recently become my favorite terminal.

My favorite thing open source has brought forth though is a certain mindset, which in the last decade can be felt most heavily in the fact that:

1. Scientific papers with accompanying GitHub urls, especially when it comes to AI. Cutting edge research is one git clone away.

2. There are so many open hardware projects. From raspberry pi to 3d printers to laser cutters, being a "maker" suddenly became a mainstream hobby.

  • 9
    I only worked on the Linux kernal code - just patching and adding CPU governors ..etc. not wrote anything my self, and I must say thats the most organized project I ever saw, massive number of files but all self explanatory and you can easily find your way by just following names
  • 6
    You forgot the weekly tag.
  • 5
    @Wombat I always do. I should rant about it.
  • 4

    It hit all my required checkboxes. I "need" unicode, a simple portable config file for full color theming, configurable tabs are neat, and ligature support for Haskell (Hasklig font)

    I like the unicode input search in kitty as well, and the option to use multiple fonts to cover various Unicode ranges.
  • 2
    @bittersweet this rant reminds me of a question I had - you're using git annex, what's your setup with it? do you sync it across multiple servers somehow? do you use it as some sort of cloud or backup storage?
  • 3
    @JoshBent I've stopped using it since. It's powerful... but sometimes your brain fails a bit, you enter a wrong command, and you have your files on an unreachable machine.

    I used it mostly for syncs between laptop & home server and to archive to encrypted AWS & google drive.

    Currently using duplicati.
  • 2
    @bittersweet duplicati is in same use as you've had for git annex?
  • 2
    @JoshBent Yeah although git annex is more manual sync, Duplicati more scheduled archival/backup.
  • 2
    @bittersweet great thanks, as always you're a great resource for interesting tools and setups
  • 1
    @gitpush A kernel colonel, most impressive. *salutes*
  • 1
    OpenTTD is great
  • 1
    in context of open source I think that this is realy inspiring:
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