How your company keeps you motivated?

Is that required to be motivated and happy AF each day at the place you work?

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    @sharktits that's so cool :) *jealous*
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    There's always a healthy dose of chaos around, and the team is cool.

    Sometimes I get up in the morning and am totally not motivated to work, and if nothing important is scheduled, I just call in and claim some heating or piping issue that needs the plumber at home so that I need an off day.

    Since I book that time from my overtime account, I don't even cheat, which is why I don't feign illness.
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    Sometimes I have very little motivation, but usually I feel great about my work. I think the motivation issue is going to be a recurring theme, though, if you got into this field for the money, and not because you love it.
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    Money and yelling.

    The money isn't great.
    The yelling is infuriating.

    I think I only stay because otherwise the company would die. I'm the only dev, and I'm the only person who knows how to maintain the infrastructure. If I left, everything would fall apart. I don't even know why I care.
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