
Breaking devRant news: we are extremely excited to announce the featured guest for the first episode of our podcast. He co-authored possibly the most famous software development book of all-time - "The Pragmatic Programmer" and is well-known for many other titles including "Practices of an Agile Developer." For the devRant community, one of his coolest/fun claims-to-fame might be that he is the inventor of rubber duck debugging, a frequent topic of discusson here on devRant. Beyond this, he is also one of the founders of the agile development movement. Our first featured guest is Andy Hunt (http://www.toolshed.com/about.html)!

As you can probably imagine, we're very excited to have Andy on the first episode of the devRant podcast and there's so many things we want to ask him. We want to give the devRant community a chance to submit questions too because we know devRanters will come up with fun questions. So feel free to just submit any questions you'd like us to ask on your behalf as comments on this rant, and we'll pick the best ones. Thanks!

  • 15
    Wow! You guys are doing great things.

    My question would be "why do you think many tech companies implement the agile process incorrectly?"
  • 2
    @Casanovanoir thanks, and great question :)
  • 4
    My question - "I was thrown into a project with decaying but actively developed software. I've been asked to lead a team abandoned by the last lead. I look at the code and wonder how 70% of the requirements are achieved with the mess. It's cringe worthy. The management won't budge for a big bang refactoring. Their primary goal is to finish the project, so I'm taking it slow and refactoring one class at a time. Is there a more elegant, efficient way? "
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    cool, is the podcast on itunes yet?
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    @Casanovanoir oh god, see the goto talk bout that.
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  • 1
    Thanks for recommendation, instantly bought this!
    Looking forward to the first podcast!
  • 2
    What's the RSS feed, please?
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    Where's the pod?
  • 1
    Very cool!
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    Do you do rdd?
    If so: please show your "Rubber Ducks"
  • 6
    Commenting to subscribe to this..

    Here's my question: "Did the rubber duck idea immediately make sense to other devs or did people think you were a bit nutty at first?"
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    question for podcast guest: did you think of other alliterations as well?
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    @dfox bro what's the name of your podcast
  • 5
    Sorry, this might have been a bit unclear. The podcast is currently in production so there's no links. Which is also why we're able to give the opportunity to submit questions for us to ask Andy.

    The first episode should be released by the end of September.
  • 1
    Oh man, we have this book in the shelf at our hackerspace. I've been reading it to pass the time while 3D printing and it's been really inspiring and informative!
  • 6
    "How should a someone who has never worked in an agile environment expect when moving into one and do you have any tips for this situation.
  • 2
    "Why rubber ducks?"
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    @dfox how we use repository pattern for searching like based on various parameters or filters ,get by specific id and many more aspect it is some most of the most difficult pattern to build at least for search for inserting , deleting,updating the pattern is pretty straight forward
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    the question is more like how do we design it right way for such circumstances
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    @manrock007 have you hacked into my work machine? This is my life!
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    Thanks for all the great questions! We're putting together the final outline for the interview within the next few days, so last call for any questions!
  • 4
    We had the Andy Hunt interview today!

    Not to sound ridiculous, but I think it's "must listen" for every devRant user and every dev for that matter, especially anyone who's ever touched agile, used rubber duck, etc. Andy was awesome and so nice.

    The release version of the podcast should be ready to go within about a week.
  • 1
    Excited for this and all the future podcasts to follow! :D
  • 1
    @fatlard1993 spoiler: we all laughed at your username :)
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