Why do people keep saying that Alexa is spying? Don't they have a smartphone, Smart Tv, Laptop, SmartWatch or something like that? Of course, Amazon, Google, ... collect your data, but why is that a new thing for them?

  • 9
    People that bitch about smart speakers but leave their location on 24/7 piss me off.

    Sweetie, that phone is a lot more lethal than your speaker could ever imagine being .
  • 6
    Because now it's in a product that makes it obvious. Smart TVs hide the spying by making it easier for people to find things they are likely to enjoy, so it seems helpful. Alexa does that too, just in a way that is intrusive enough to actually bother people.

    My opinion is that (at least in this case) it's not helpful to call people stupid when they come to this realization. Use it as an educational opportunity to show them the privacy impact of the other technology they use, and let them decide what tradeoff they are comfortable with after being educated. Most people might have some idea that companies are using their data, but haven't thought about what that means in any depth. This is an opportunity to change things that those of us who pay more attention should not waste.
  • 2
    the world is in crisis of aware people.
  • 1
    Spying is such a negative word.
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