My ESP32 arrived today! I'm probably gonna be using it to make a programmable guitar pedal, but does anyone else have any ideas?

  • 5
    alarm clock using NTP
    weather station
    Bluetooth presenter
    game controller
    smart home appliance
    post box surveillance

    hackaday and instructables should have plenty ideas
  • 3
    Don't build anything that requires precise ADC they are not factory calibrated. And unless you have access to high level tools ($)
    An hobbist-level calibration is not good enough
  • 2
    Reverse engineering the closed source wifi driver is pretty hard.
    Max effort
    Min result
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    @ewpratten esp8266 is cheaper and does this illegal job very well. Don't waste the great specs of this chip.

    Never heard about this pre-made firmwares for esp32.
    When you can post a link i'm curious
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    If the guitar peddle works, could you make the build open-source?
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    Mmm. How much is that thing? How would your programmable pedal work? Are you talking about a multieffect type pedal?
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    Have fun to talk with this guy=_=
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