at a recent interview:
🕴️ interviewer: are you familiar with PHP?
Jr Me 👶: well I'm currently studying it but I thought this was a front end position? I'm looking to work with js, sass and UI design.
🕴️: Well PHP is frontend and we are working with it in our CMS.
👶:... *Getting weird WordPress flashbacks*.. I think I'll continue looking but thanks for your offer.

Later that day I checked if their websites have wp-login.php and woop de fucking doo... It does.. as well as all their clients sites..

Dodging bullets like the freaking Choose one! Ps. Second time this happens.. gotta start checking this before going to the interview..

  • 3
    Shouldn't that login page at least have a different default url if not completely blocked from IPs outside whitelist?
  • 6
    @gitpush that's a logical assumption that apperantly doesn't apply to the non-logical company I had my interview at.
  • 2
    @Desinika you made a good choice moving on or hello headaches
  • 5
    Lookin wappalyzer. You'll be able to see whats website made of with much more ease.
  • 2
    @myss thanks mate, I'll give it a look 👌
  • 0
    "Front-end" or "back-end" can be a matter or perspective in this case. If they process some heavy work loads using another technology and simply query the results and display in a wordpress site, then it's considered front-end by them. It might sound weird to you but it happens
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