
Ive installed php before but for some fucking reason it just refuses to fucking work. Im not installing extra bullshit like some people tell me because I had it work exactly how I wanted it to on my desktop but now fucking hell what the hell is the damn deal

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    update: I installed it i think
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    @Bubbles download win binaries
    Add the file path “c:\php” or where ever you put it, to the Environment Paths and open a new cmd “php - v”
    Should be good to go.
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    @C0D4 yeah I've installed it before but like I literally repeated the steps 7-9 times and it wasnt registering and I was pissed but it's working now for some reason
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    @ngBuild ++ for scotch box
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    I also use win10 for but I use the wsl for all the dev stuff, you could try researching that. Works like a charm.
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