This will be 4chan-r/greentext-ish in format. Also "me" is not me, PTH, it's referring to a game studio.

>Be me
>Be game studio
>Create event for weapon design
>Player base submit in a craptonna designs
>Create an internal service for voting
>Service doesn't check for vote except for a login
>MFW one submission has 6-digit votes
>MFW a lotta submission also start gain a lot of votes
>The vote count spiked
>Votebotting is here
>MFW I don't how to filter votes
>MFW I can't block rerouted traffics (VPNs, proxies, etc.)
>MFW the Discord server of the game gets vocal then Reddit.

  • 2
    That escalated quickly...gotta love the ferocity of the internet lol
  • 3
    I don't get the issue, if you're checking for a session, then you can just mark a vote in the database and slap a recaptcha onto the registration in case people would bot accounts too.
  • 1
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