
Please stop me if I try to name my children test, test1 and test2


  • 8
    “Untitled 1 through 3, get your butts over here RIGHT NOW!”
  • 2
    You see, having them named like that ain't bad, look at what @Kaji wrote, it's easier to call them
  • 1
    How about: iHopeIAmSterile
  • 0
    I hope you will use Unix base testing environment 😂😂😂
  • 0

    Go with x,y,z
  • 1
    foo, bar, baz ?
  • 0
    After that start naming, finaltest, finaltest1, finaltest2.....
  • 1
    How about "git commit --amend" (like as three middle names ;))
  • 4
    Btw. @dfox not sure if you had this already as a weekly topic, but how people name their wifi/devices (I once worked at a company, where the dev server was named "paris" as everyone had full (root) access...)
  • 3
    @Wack thanks, that’s a cool idea :)
  • 0
    Ive seen some random names for variables, found a game object in a main menu scene i was working on it was called Thing....

    no comments, or anything that helps me understand what the hell it is.... The nerve of somr people
  • 1
    As we're told.
    In a Conservative environment try the 'legacy' names slave01, slave02,..
  • 0
    3 children ? Are you a billionaire ?
  • 0
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