Best way to get started with web development, especially php? Going to maintain an enterprise application without having any web development experience.

  • 1
    Hello world, to do app, blog. Just try to develop stuff like those. Needs your hands dirty. Once you feel a bit comfortable, dig into that enterprise application source code. If you don't have access yet, look for similar/alternative open source solutions out there so you can see how things work.
  • 3
    Get to know the business before you get to know the code base.
    Learn how the business works as the software usually works in a similar way to automate their processes.

    A good read is:

    If they are using unit testing it’s most likely phpunit.

    Expect a chaotic mess ๐Ÿ˜this way if it is, your expectations are already low enough to handle it ๐Ÿ™ƒ
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