
As a developer, the longest I've worked in a row was 15 hours, from 8am to 11pm. We had to migrate/onboard a project and after we thought everything is done, the client told us about some extra functionality which was "urgent" and he couldn't tell us the months we prepared the migration -.- But it wasn't that hard and our boss was really nice. He stayed with us, even he couldn't really help us, bought us some Pizza, paid for taxis back home and we could stay home or come late to work the next day. And fortunately, that doesn't occur regularly in my company.

  • 1
    15 hours in exchange for pizza sounds like a good deal to me! 🍕
  • 1
    @Skayo Your time is way more worth than a pizza.
  • 1
    @k0pernikus @Skayo

    If this would be an everyday situation, Pizza wouldn't be enough of course.

    But in this situation, it was just nice to see that my boss didn't think working that late should be normal and he felt bad about it.
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