
What's the best Linux distribution for servers? I don't want an UI and that fancy stuff. I just want a 1337 hax0r console.

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    I'm pretty partial towards Debian. For enterprisey environments CentOS is really good, too.
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    Ubuntu for an easier time, everything else is pretty much a pain in the ass whenever you e.g. want shit just straight from a repo, instead of having to compile it from source. (Debian incl.)
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    Depends on what you are using it for. A lot of Linux distros offer minimal versions which don't have desktop environments (console only). I would recommend CentOS, Debian or Ubuntu.
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    Arch (Kappa)
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    In my 18 years in the field, I've seen RHEL, CentOS, OEL, SLES, Debian, and Ubuntu Server, in that order from most to fewest, in addition to a big pile of embedded, appliance, and Unix flavors.

    I personally think Debian works the best, as it's by far the most stable, since the QA pushes hard on avoiding cutting-edge versions of things.
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    Build it without anything you don't want.

    Apart from that, Ububtu is the most common, and I'm partial to Debian for its stability.

    Arch is not a good idea. At all.
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    Thank you guys for your replies! I'll have a look at Debian and CentOS
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