
This is why you don't want to have Dev gf. Unless you like emotional Rollercoasters. Trust me, had one...

  • 10
    Can't help but feel like this is incredibly sexist?
  • 2
    @drRoss well... why?
    There is nothing written about gender. This applies to men as well.
  • 6
    πŸ™„πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ can't judge people based on that crap
  • 8
    so all women working in IT are not desirable partners as they are emotionally unstable, proof being that he once dated one who he thought was such.

    sooo.. excuse me while i go cry in the corner..? i guess...? ^^
  • 7
    Our industry has so few women. We could use more of them - and not just for the sake of diversity. Attitudes like this are offensive.

    I get that it's a joke, and i admit that i chuckled a bit, but to be honest i think you're part of the problem....not the solution.
  • 0
    intelligent and good looking: that's me.
    not so emotionally stable though πŸ˜•πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜­
  • 1
    @Anaeijon See all replies under CodingPrincess' reply for why.
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    All pretty ones and this is so damn rare ;) mediocre does not count.
  • 0
    @drRoss I don't get it.
    Why should this apply different on different genders?
    It's not sexists, because it applies to both genders. Making a difference in applying would actually be sexist.
    And... well oft cause its a joke and false.
  • 1
    @Anaeijon Arminiae summed it up. I'm not the only one that felt that way. Look at the likes on my comment. And actually, he does state 'gf', an abbreviation for girlfriend.
  • 1
    @drRoss you know, I'm not gay, when I think about love I think about woman. Woman can think about man as well in that way.

    Geez step down a little you feminists and get real ;)
  • 2
    @alkuzad It's not about feminism. We lack women in tech as it is, we don't need posts like this putting a negative on them. It's uncouth.
  • 3
    @alkuzad That's complete bullshit. I'd MUCH rather develop and code than do stupid QA's or take an upper management role. You can't generalize people like that. All you an do is speak for yourself. I thought as developers and somewhat intelligent / analytical people that we'd be smart and open minded enough to be past making broad statements and trying to generalize large populations but I see it's still a thing for some of you. Sad. Really sad. πŸ™„πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ŽπŸΌ
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    @Anaeijon Everyone is equal, but he specified females in the original post.
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    this is equally applicable for men.
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    @tysa stop this... people aren't getting it
    I've tried
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    @CodingPrincess lol coding princess πŸ˜‚ I imagine you wearing a pink princess dress, with a crown on your head and pressing each key gently and very politely πŸ˜‚
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  • 0
    Pink dress? No❌Teal please!
    Tiara? Alwaysβœ… (metaphorically)
    Gentle? I am abusive to my back space and ctrl + c/v/sπŸ˜±πŸ€•

    Tysa single for life ==True

    stop(); // Being an asshat

    PS: Your boss should replace you with a really small shell script.

    ✌🏼️peace hata
  • 1
    @CodingPrincess tf?! I was just kidding
    stop getting hormonal unnecessarily ffs πŸ˜‘πŸ˜’
  • 2
    @tysa So you can joke and tease people but can't handle it when others joke back? I never said I was serious. If you're going to get butt hurt over juvenile things than keep your comments to yourself next time. Good lawd πŸ™„
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    @CodingPrincess πŸ˜• you are totally delusional
    what I said wasn't offensive. I didn't make fun or insult you.
    you ,whereas, insulted me without any prior provocation.
    go and read your comments and mine. Those who ++ your comment should also go and read it. if they're unbiased, they would agree with me.

    I was actually being friendly, my mistake.

    now please don't reply cause I don't wanna hear back anything from you.
  • 1
    omg stop fighting!! about to cry 😩😩😩😩😩😩
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