
So my Algebra 2 teacher won't give students credit without showing work (You can literally make a 600/600 on the final with writing a thing down). I've decided that I'm going to create a program for everything that she assigns me, so that if she asks for the work, I can show her the source code.

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    Back in 1998 that is what I did. She didn't make me take any further tests and gave me a 100. She said if I could write a program to do the work I must know the formulas and processes pretty well.
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    I did that too in HS. Teacher was OK with it as long as work was shown. worked well with ti basic in trig and algebra but my calc couldn't do abstract variables so I couldn't do it in calculus. still it was awesome to be able to have a hw assignment where I punched in the problems and my programs would just spit out each step to copy down.
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