
Spotify just asked me for my ZIP code (to verify my family plan again after like a year).

I typed 00000 and they accepted that 🤔

  • 19
    That’s.. an actual zip code my dude

    EDIT: what’s more creepy is that it says it’s Centralia, PA.. meaning it’s the city silent hill is based on
  • 2
    So you may loose your Plan :o today they asked me to verify my location by GPS
  • 3
    "verify" aka data mining
  • 4
    @growling Are you shitting me, holy shit
  • 1
    Edit:wrong tag!
  • 4
    @growling It's not an actual zip code, Centralia was abandoned/evicted so with zero residents their zip code got scrapped as well.

    It's like having a 1983-00-00 as birth date on your ID when they only have rough estimates when you were born -- it really screws with databases though, suddenly someone is <null> years old.
  • 4
    @bittersweet but it’s more creepy to think of it that way
  • 0
    Well, I know that there are coutries without zip codes in their addresses, and when asked you just fill the spaces with zeros.
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