
Spotify for Windows phone is so stable...

  • 4
    This is the price you pay for using Windows phone
  • 10
    Spotify is generally bad on phones in my experience
  • 11
    My life in two sentences
  • 2
    *sirens in the distance*
  • 4
    Most times I can't even open it. "Can't find audio device". It's a shame this platform is so underappreciated
  • 1
    Which spotify.. I've been looking for it on store...
  • 1
    @tecivan digging in, I realized that its not available in my country yet..
  • 7
    @Aitkotw my app and few others are stable enough, so it’s not fault of Windows Phone, but of the dev team of Spotify.
    Give me access to the API and pay me, and I will give you a really nice Spotify client, and not because I’m good, but because it’s really easy to do. They probably used Silverlight or other deprecated shit to make it.
  • 1
    What kind of catastrophic event I wonder. I hope not self destruct count down lol
  • 1
    Is that an error for Microsofts management of Windows Phone?
  • 2
    Also i raise you this error which i constantly get every time i want to listen to music on Spotify. This is honestly why i might switch after Xmas.
  • 3
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