Kotlin or Scala?

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    what do you want to achieve?
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    It really does depend on what you want to achieve, but from an outside and general perspective: both.

    Scala has a lot of academic value since it will introduce you to some more advanced concepts of functional programming if you are not familiar with them already. It is a very nice language.

    Kotlin is a real useful language when doing Android as well as in any place where Java could be due to 100% interop with Java code. I find it nicer and it also has a lot of the same ideas as Swift, so if you are into mobile development it is definitely something worth looking into :)
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    @notAnkur ok
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    If later on you will want to explore and program for the world of big data - Scala.

    If you are doing java apps for android or backend services - Kotlin.
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    If you are planning to use Play and event sourcing, choose Scala. For every other use case, Kotlin.

    Why my bias towards Kotlin?

    Because it's simple, expressive and the interoperability with Java is smoother than Scala. You get to easily use everything from the Java ecosystem.

    Scala has a very steep learning curve. If you are going it alone, then Scala is good. Because who doesn't want to learn new cool shit?!

    Want quick time to market? If you already know Java, go ahead with Kotlin. You'll fall in love with it.
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    Nah, Kotlin every day.
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    @brano88 agreed on the highly paid part. The pay scales are crazy!
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    @badcoder @brano88 and the reason being ➡ see my comment above.
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    @brano88 cool, i didnt know 😎
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