

A year or so ago (or more...?), Facebook started with text based 2FA. They promised not to use the phone numbers for anything else than the extra security.

I immediately said that they'd probs do that anyways and got into a few fights and people started calling me paranoid yet again.

Guess what was revealed a few days ago .____.

I don't even want to be right in these kinda cases :/

  • 20
    @Jilano Yup. I hate how 'conspiracy thinkers' are more often right than wrong nowadays.

    I found it especially worrying that Facebook had a legal team teach Acton (co-founder of WhatsApp) how to lie to the European commission (something like that) because he isn't a great liar.
  • 6
    Facebook should be renamed to Fuckcunt.
    It was forseeable that FB would share all its fucking data. The company lives from user data.
    "Move quickly and break things." What good things could ever come out of such policies...
  • 4
    That's why I never use text-based 2FA (although my primary reason is that it's insecure and can be intercepted). Usually I just use the checkpoint flow on another device that I've logged in from. Doesn't make those Facecunts any less shit though.
  • 2
    @Jilano Thinking about Orwell's 1984 ey? :P

    My man @linuxxx is always a step ahead of those fucking parassites, I have much to learn from you regards my privacy!
  • 2
    What was revealed a few days ago?
  • 1
    ’Jetfuel don’t melt steel beams’
  • 1
    @Jilano any source? Though it's not surprising at all 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • 2
    @YourNemesis Maybe not surprising but fucking illegal in some countries.
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