
The moment when all your tests cases for the first assignment of the term pass, your code is refactored and have adequate comments but you only get a 52/100 because your marker says your code is not "elegant enough" as a feedback.

Yeah, those were his exact words with no specific context or reasons. He didn't even explain when I went to him for explanations. I don't mind a bad grade, I could be wrong and that is fine.


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    "code quality is low"
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    Post the code?🤔
    I've had dick professors before but they could only downgrade me to 60 because they couldn't understand the code.
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    @electrineer showed it to my other TAs and instructors, said the TA went overboard because code quality accounts for only 10 marks 🙃
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    @JKyll i guess I will just for feedbacks as I had 0 feedback from the TA. It was recursion assignment so I'm not sure what I did wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    @kitsune tag me on the post
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    WTF?! Elegance is quite subjective and should be explained. Could be too much copy&paste code, violating the DRY principle, or maybe it's yoyo code, or so many indentation levels that it digs out a Balrog from the right monitor side, or that functions do too many different things, or no scope minimisation including unnecessary globals, or passing around a gazillion of variables instead of using structs.
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    Well, teachers in conventional schools are more often than not incompetent dicks.. experienced that first-hand as well here, and dropped out because of it. Please do tag me if you post the code.. I'd love to see it :)

    Also, welcome to devRant!
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    @Fast-Nop I agree completely. My problem was there were no explanation to why elegance was a big problem. We were told not to use structs or use library functions, globals, extra variables if possible etc which heavily limited what we could actually write.

    I might write shit code, I might be a complete n0ob but I need to know that lmao. I'm very new to Algo and Data structures anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    if you didn't use volkswagen lib to pass all the tests, you should not get bad grade, or if you did, you should get proper explanation.
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    @legacyJanitor no, we had to make a seperate test file and make different test cases by ourselves. (Or we could use google test but we all decided it wasn't worth the hassle for such a simple assignment ). And I'm not the only one who had a problem with this particular TA 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    @Condor I mean, I understand. My current instructor has degrees and a Doctorate from a very reputable university and she's very good in her field, I'm sure. She's just a crappy disorganized instructor which I'm sure resulted in such a weird incident.
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    @kitsune hmm, degrees and doctorates.. certificates. I guess you'll find out soon enough how I think about those.. but searching for "certified enganeers" here on devRant should give you a good idea 🙃

    Oh well, perhaps there's exceptions to the rule... But overall I found a lot of truth in the saying "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach" 😉
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