First they came for the atheists, and I didn't speak out - because I'm not an atheist

Then they came for the university teachers, and I didn't speak out - because I don't like universities

Then they came for the gamers, and I didn't speak out - because I don't play videogames

Then they came for Open Source and I didn't speak out - because "anyone can fork it"

Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me

I know I butchered the poem and I'm not comparing our social situation to the Holocaust (obviously), but I think it kind of illustrates that silence and gradually giving up ideals like justice and meritocracy can end up badly.

I also encourage you to read the actual poem it's pretty nice and food for thought.

  • 17
    The current OSS world is kinda imploding by a screaming minority of outrage culture. Most developers tick the "I don't give a fuck" box when it comes to Redis, master/slaves, Linus, etc.

    But some have made it a mission to make ... some .. kind of point .. I think. I don't really understand what the fuck it is.
  • 1
    @irene im just remembered the poem as I was reading and looking at media of how PC culture has moved from area to area and the way the ideology operates. Thought it would fit.
  • 1
    @irene I will second that motion
  • 0
    @irene i think they'd even melt by themselves if we just ignore them for long enough...
  • 1
    Sorry to say...
    You can speak
    1000 people can speak
    1M people can speak
    10^n people can speak
    But what matters is how much money the corrupt and their friends can pocket.
    And... They don't care about you, or me, or anyone who isn't part of their group/cult.
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