
Looks like /dev/body got tainted.. nasal memory leaks all over the place 😷

$ kill -9 $(pidof cold)
... Nothing.
$ sudo !!
I said kill the fucking cold!!! Y u no listen to your admin?! 😠
> User condor is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.

I just want to finish my goddamn power supply project, instead of getting bed-ridden by a cold, and running through paper towels like there's no tomorrow 😭

  • 15
    Who said you didn't need an antivirus on Linux? :D
  • 6
    @Jilano *installs ClamAV right away* I should've done this so much sooner!! 😥
  • 2
    I always used linux puppy to recover/repair my windows machine.

    So what about trying to use windows to repair linux? 🤔
  • 2
    @RantSomeWhere it must be one of those two character emoji. And it was probably cut in half
  • 2
    @ewpratten fkin Unicode i tell ya. Still its better than most other hacks out there
  • 3
    @Gregozor2121 Linux can fsck Linux, but Windows can only fuck Linux 🙃
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