
I usually start going through the code and as I do I draw (connected) shapes for every part of the code, as I do I add "features" to the shapes (little spikes, give them stripes etc) that way I'm able to "see" what is missing and how the shapes should interact

this might be a bit weird to explain but it helped me a lot to understand what the code is doing and get it rolling again

  • 2
    Sounds interesting actually, have never seen someone work like this but I can see how it helps you. Maybe I'll try it out next time I'm stuck :)
  • 1
    I was going to ask for the same thing. I'd be interesting in seeing what you do.
  • 0
  • 0
    Damn that's a good practice. Debugging must be hell lot easier
  • 10
    sounds intriguing, add a pic when you've got time!
  • 0
    Definitely giving it a try in my next project
  • 10
    I'd love a picture of this!
  • 2
    +1 to seeing a picture!
  • 1
    How similar with some uml components diagram 😀
  • 0
    Better than jumping straight onto breakpoints. Will try do it this way from now on.
    But wouldn't it be great if the code is refactored upfront.
  • 5
    Add me to the list of users calling for a picture. I'm very interested.
  • 1
    you sure have uploaded a picture too. I'm totally interested 😁
  • 2
    Picture, video, something to show us this awesome trick.
  • 4
    wow, didnt thought it will get this much attention.

    I'll try to show you how this looks the next time i'm stuck. Or maybe i can find some old debug-drawings so you dont have to wait that long :)
  • 0
    would be great
  • 0
    Don't let us down @raven! 😃
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