NO programmer friend
Me : Which language is the most used in the world?
Friend : English

Programmer friend
Me : Which language is the most used in the world?
Friend : Java
Me :

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    @irene πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
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    @irene That would be either an infosec pro's or a tech supporter's answer I suppose?
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    @irene But... but 3 billion devices run on Java
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    @irene so 1 to 2 billion run on smart os
  • 10
    Just want to add that "Java" is wrong. Its "C". Because all these devices _including_ Java have an [embedded] OS that is written (mostly) in C. But not all devices out there include Java. ;-)
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  • 11
    Am I the only one who thinks both answers are wrong ????
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    @rookiemaverick Shhh! Don't tell anybody! ;-)
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    not related but instead of java, javanese is everywhere tho. everytime i go travel anywhere in the world. there must be at least 2 person speaking javanese, either came from suriname or native java.
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    Would you like to listen to me ?

    Yes just sent me your packets at port 7350.
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    Don' to be rude, but I think this "joke" has expired 10 years ago :))
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    i'm totally that programmer friend 😁
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    binary code run on all devices
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    I am amused about the fact that all of you discuss about the wrong usage of Java - when it is totally obvious that the non programmer friend's answer had to be "Chinese".
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    wait... but English is used to write Java and C everywhere, isn't it πŸ€” 😢?
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    @kayb01000010 hmmmmmm... πŸ€”
  • 4
    Everybody is arguing about java but no one said that mandarin Chinese is the most spoken language in the world .
  • 1
    @JMente OMG I have no wordsπŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
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