What was your first real program or website or app developed by you?


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    My first “App” was an keygen writen in Vb6.
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    Ich made a Greasemonkey Userscript for a Browsergame called Grepolis to get some advantages Inside the game 😆
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    Tiny C# app that gets few basic infos ( like serial no, disk space, windows version etc) from remote systems, because any decent out of box apps at the time were either paid, overly complicated, or requires you to give out all the information including the... size and girth of your nether regions.
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    I made a number guessing game using batch script
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    @Biggy @Quack @CatMDV @Haxk20 @hackedranger you guys made better thing than mine
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    The first thing I actually "shipped" to friends was a little game for the terminal (around 1998). Made it on my first SuSE-Box.
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    Windows 98 - win xp [incl] compatible trojan
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    @netikras this man's going places. Hopefully not prison 😂
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    It definitely was hello world.

    Small programs are real programs too!
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    @CatMDV yeah, i'm currently going places. Not the prison definitely. Could be ER 😁
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    Jokes aside, my first big project was a Java IRC bot that I wrote from the ground up with no libraries except logging. Was quite fun learning the protocol, but I'm cringing later at my design decisions.
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    A couple of nuisance programs for Mac users in FBASIC:

    First one ran in the background, listening for disk insert events. The moment it detected one, it would eject the disk in lieu of mounting it.

    The second one sat in the Startup Items folder, and would perform a hard shutdown as soon as the startup routine hit it (back in the System 7.6 days, when startup could be 10-15 minutes at times...).
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    More seriously, my first PHP project I did for someone else was a scratch-built Wikia-style CMS for a Keroro Gunsou fan site.
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    The first one I published was the Quake Mod "DemolitionMan", written in Quake-C and published 1998 on AmiNet.
    It's still there...

    My first unpublished game was a tiny Light Cycle game, written in Amos on an Amiga 500 in 1990. Right before I started to learn C.
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    @Hubot-0x58 it just means that I am getting old. 😔
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    My first "proper" program (i.e. actually useful for something and with some documentation and an installer) was an MS-DOS based MIDI music program in the style of a tracker. Written in a shareware version of a fairly obscure programming language.

    I knew of C and C++ but not of any free compilers for it at the time (they did exist though). I translated code examples and hacked apart other people's programs in this language to do the necessary MIDI I/O.

    Timing was awful. I just busy waited for each tick. It ran under Windows but with some lag due to the busy waiting not being liked by the scheduler.

    But, it sort of worked and I made a few bits of music with it before buying some software that is much more flexible.
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    It was a fucking virus written in batch.
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    a keylogger in C to prove that my ex girlfriend was cheating on me. she was. 🖕
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    Oh boy the memories...
    I started in high school with some mini games written in Basic on my TI-83+ calculator because I was bored in math classes
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    @tokumei awesome man
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    @Kaji hilarious
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    @irene program on which you put your real work

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    @R1100 what kinda virus?
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    @Ganofins one of those fancy ones formatting the whole hard disk.
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    @R1100 😂
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    I learned programming during a summer when my PC has been broken (I thrown a knife into my mother board), I was learning C using a book and I started a challenge to rewrite the string functions used in the book (string.h) after I remade all of the functions I was so excited that I decided to write my own interpreter, and I did; I implemented a whole god-damn C-like interpreter on papers (it was about 200 pages).

    Later when my PC got fixed, I typed all of it (with some minor changes) and it worked as expected!! (because I traced so hard on the papers)
    I'm never ever going to do such thing again!!

    I was 16 at the time!
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    @tokumei Sometimes it takes making questionable design decisions to learn how to make good ones.
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    I'm going to claim my final project in my C++ class. My group did hangman, but only two-player. I thought that was sad, so I wrote a single-player mode which pulled a random word from a word list divided into 3 difficulties. It took me less than a day and I had it working in time for the demonstration.
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    @amkherad I also had (once) "programmed" something on paper in C. But that was some tiny helper functions that barely filled 3 pages.

    200 pages? Amazing! That's some badass way of "learning-by-doing"!
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    My first true app was a port scanner
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    @Turtles-nation port scanner?
    I didn't understand..?
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