
I am a 4th year student. I already got a job and a promising company.
Should I finish my university program or drop out?

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    @notsure0or1 no it doesn’t
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    Yeah drop out and when u decide to change ur job or get fired due to budget cuts or something your not gonna regret it at all when ur looking for a new one... people love applicants with no degrees
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    @AymanH dude, that’s my company.. it’s not probable that it’ll fail
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    Finish your university program. Don't drop out no matter what. You've come this far.
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    @cbsa Always finish your degree first. You are not going to retire from the same company you are going to join now. The recruitment system is broken. You need to be good looking on your resume as well even before you are called for the interview.
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    No, don't quit
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    WTF is this question? Of course finish! Why would you spend almost fuckin' years and not finish?? Don't drop out and get that degree. It'll come in handy somewhere in the future.

    Your profile says 'software engineer' but if you don't finish and get that degree there's nothing 'engineer' about your position, or at least not formally. Don't know where you are located but in my country you can't call yourself an engineer unless you have that degree that allows you to call yourself engineer.
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    @CodeMasterAlex if not degree then at least gained experience and new connectiobs are very likely to turn out useful
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    @netikras yeah and at least you have some hard proof to show lack of discipline. That's what employers love, don't they.
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    You should finish up your program, when a program is not finished doesn't work pretty well, finish it up man, it's a success factor.
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    @cbsa no offense man i hope it doesn’t fail but you should always be prepared for something u dont expect. Having a degree would come in handy :)
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    Since you made it to 4th year, I think it would be stupid to drop out now. Just push it a little bit more.
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    Well Bill Gates also dropped out and Zuckerberg finished his uni after 12 years just because he had little better to do. So why not.
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    Finish it.
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    @Teabagging4Life yeah tbey did and unlike most drop outs they magically had the universe aligned perfectly in such a way that they would become very very successful. But how many people you know that dropped out are successful like zuckerberg? Of all the millions of people dropping out every year only a handful of them become successful. If you are not one of the lucky few you'd better finish that study and get your degree so that you always have that as a backup, just in case it turns out you're not the next Gates or Zuckerberg.
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    @CodeMasterAlex Well it seems like you have the misconception that the OP is going to take into account what will be written here, and that he has not already decided to drop college. I just give him more reasons to justify his decision and persuade himself he is doing the right thing.
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