
Guys how many monitors use at office? I work with 3 and i would like 4th but my desk isnt enough big for it :( Also i prefer more full hd monitors than big resolution ultrawides

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    laptop on the left, 2 monitors for the desktop, laptop on the right (sometimes)

    laptop on the left, 2 monitors for the desktop

    i use synergy so I don't need more than a mouse and a keyboard.

    i prefer everything at 1920x1080, but to be honest I didn't have the change to try something larger
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    One, my laptop. I don't even think we have spare monitors we could use, their all broken 😑

    At home I use just my laptop too, because I'm broke. I'm still working on getting a second one!
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    @cantthinkofone i hope you soon get more :)
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    At the start I've used a single monitor, then I've got a second one. Both of them were 24" FHD.

    As time passed, I've switched devices and upgraded setups in this order:

    Monitor + laptop
    Mac only
    Mac + FHD monitor 27"
    Mac + Ultrawide (2560x1080)
    2x 4k 27" monitors
    1x 4k 27" monitor at native resolution - Current

    Why is that? Well, I wasn't sure what fits me very well and often I was missing something or just felt short/too much. Recent setups with 4k thought me this:
    2 monitors at 4k is very good for quality of the picture, even running at FHD resolution (retina like). The problem was, that the 27" of the size was too much. If we would talk about a 24" - then it would be fine.
    Now, I'm sticking with 1 4k monitor at native rez 27" and that is enough for me. I can easilly fit 4 different windows on it at fhd resolution, which I do very often and that has absolutely no problems at all. Well, unless you can't bare smaller font and want it BIG. Then you got a problem :)
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    Four in total: two connected to my desktop computer, my laptop's and a monitor connected to it.
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    I'd like to draw attention on Luna Display. https://lunadisplay.com/
    Its a USB-C Dongle for your MacBook. It generates a displayport signal and sends it via wifi to your iPad. Bought one last month and said to my boss I work remote from abroad. Works fantastic! Now i have a 12 inch second screen that is ultra portable. Perfect for working in Coworking Spaces and traveling.
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    Two, and I'm fine with two.

    I tried with three once, but I found it never really made me much (any) more productive - I just ended up forgetting what I'd put where. Certainly wouldn't want 4 or more.
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    @AlmondSauce well it depends what is your actual job, i use one monitor for mails another for ide and third is web page since i mostly develope web stuff i would like forth for debug console
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    1920*1080 😒
    1920*1200 😎
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    two monitors in portrait for dev, turn one to landscape for gaming.

    edit: at home. no gaming at work
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    One small ass broken laptop! With min specs. I hate my life.
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