devRant starter pack

  • 24
    Look, you're not wrong
  • 24
    I strongly believe that devrant community has more JS lovers (including me) than JS haters. It's just JS haters take every opportunity to show they hate. Haters gonna hate 😂
  • 21
    you forgot "post with wrong category" in your starter pack
  • 4
    @ckoulatsi yay lets unite and spread some sprinkle of JS, filled with love
  • 7
  • 3
    U forgot pHp
  • 2
    @xkill php is good nowadays just a few things aren't good enough for security.
    You need to read documentation more alertly

    Also OP, some people so say js is bad because they aren't knowing it to a good level or so. But most of them do support js
  • 3

    Look on his tags...
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