Rant on DevRant πŸ˜•

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    CSS is hard you know
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    can't reproduce with chrome
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    also can't reproduce on chrome
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    what kind of SHITTY browser are you using?
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    @netikras not responsive on Chrome 72.0.3595.0 (Official Build) canary (64-bit) and Firefox 63.0.1 (64-bit) πŸ˜•
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    Mthe website kinda broke if you open this on phone, I think it has been this way all along
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    It seems they are hiding the toolbar on mobile view and not showing any hamburger menu or something.

    @media screen and (max-width: 760px)
    .narrow-hide {
    display: none;

    You can reproduce my rant if you have no notification.
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    @Necromancerx Nope.. still can't reproduce on 70.0.3538.77 versija (Oficialiai pagaminta) (64 bitΕ³)
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    @netikras You can reproduce my rant if you have no notification. I think the real problem here is the hidden toolbar on mobile view and not showing any hamburger menu or something.
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    @Necromancerx Yep, you're right. Clearing notifications' list manually breaks responsiveness at 760px.

    Report it :)
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    @Necromancerx huh? Your ranting about something happening when you have no notifications? Since you've had things, does it still happen?

    I mean, not to be any way, and others might feel different but I personally find it extremely disrespectful for your first rant on this platform being about the platform.

    Feel to rant about you at this point...smh
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    @irene Thanks for reminding. ++ my issue on https://github.com/devRant/devRant/....
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