
Is dual booting between linux (specifically pop os) and windows 10 possible these days or do we have still the grub ignores windows and/or windows ignores linux problems?

Please spare me with comments about windows, I'm sorry that you use a Home edition which has limited settings or you're too bigoted to accept other concepts than linux'.

I'd like to have 3 partitions: around 40 gigs for pop os, 120 gigs ntfs Windows and the rest as ntfs for data. Any articles or experience made in the last months is appreciated.

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    I'd recommend 160 gb for Windows and remember that the order of installation is important
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    I'm running Win10 and Debian on my old ThinkPad x230 for over 2 years and never had problems after updates etc. Both OS are running smooth with dual boot since the beginning (and I'm not that daily linux user).
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    7 pro, Debian and LFS here. The upgrade to 10 wrecked my Grub, probably expected behavior as windows usually overwrites the MBR during install.
    I recommend you use grub to dual boot, not the windows boot manager, but that's personal preference. You'll also find more documentation online about that.
    No big problems, make sure grub finds your windows install when first installing it, most Linux installers show you a list of detected OSes. It normally should work though.
    It might be that you'll have to boot the installation media using legacy boot mode in bios, that probably depends on your Mainboard.
    As for witty Linux comments: have fun and break stuff. 😉
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    So you all use grub instead of Windows' BM, right?
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    @nitwhiz Well, I have never seen Windows detect any other OS than Windows, so yes. In fact Windows can't even correctly detect Windows installations in all cases, so...

    Just install Windows first, then Linux and everything should be fine.

    Windows updates may mess something up though, so I'd be even more paranoid about backups when dualbooting.
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    @deadlyRants as the Linux distro is only for coding and such, loosing it wouldn't be a big deal. The windows partition needs to outlive any breakages tho..
    I can remember having Ubuntu listed in Windows bootmanager back in the days. Somehow this is doable (not necessarily via Wubi), that's why i wrote it like that.

    But it seems like going for grub is the easiest/more stable.

    It seems like it's not that big of a magic trick, thanks to all for the input ♥️
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    Had tried exactly POP and W10 either 2017 or 2018 and it went fine.

    And I have been dual booting for 5,6 years various Ubuntu based distro + W10. No grub problem so far.

    And if you just want Linux for coding, try to read a bit into WSL.

    Most important note : I have successfully disabled updates of my W10. That might be the reason of smooth dual boot experience for me.
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    @cursee I've been using WSL for over 1+ year now, but sometimes it just doesn't cut it, performancewise. Especially compiles and npm packages are just not fun in there.

    Well disabling updates is pretty shitty imho, because in the end of the day I rely on Windows.
    Anyways, it won't hurt me if Windows breaks linux, so I'll just go for it.
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    I don’t recommend it. I run Windows on my desktop and Linux on my laptop to avoid the interference between the two.
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    @-Tor why?
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    I did in the past and somehow I can’t boot to linux after a couple of weeks, maybe I configured something wrong (I dinmt do anything tho)
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