
I don't understand, it's the third time I'm being refused for a job because they want someone with more experience. Then why are you looking for junior developer ?!

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    show us your github repo!
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    I know I don't have a lot of projects on GitHub Ahah but anyway https://github.com/One-Q
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    @Jilano you think that senior devs apply to junior developer jobs ?
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    @irene is it between junior and medior ? Haha
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    @Jilano that's sad :/
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    @OneQ so there lies your problem. Work on your GitHub that you can show your abilities. 💪

    Have a look at SVG animations. It's easy to do and that's a usefull skill and the eyecandy you need, to show off.
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    @heyheni yeah I know but I don't know what kind of project to do
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    @OneQ get some inspiration at www.javascript30.com 🙂
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    @heyheni oh thanks I didn't know about this site :)
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    @heyheni why SVG animations tho?
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    @-ANGRY-CLIENT- If your a Junior I think 3 things matter: likeabilty, your portfolio, and the ability to impress with new ideas. So that your future employer can benefit from you by learning something new.

    If you do webdev SVG is a invaluable tool and if you just put little effort learning it you can create things that surprises and delights the viewer. That is a big plus in an Interview. Hunderts of lines of code isn't as appealing as let's say an interactive infographic with smooth animations and transitions.
    Animation is an skill easy to learn and easy to sell.

    What do you think about that? :)
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    @heyheni that is true. I am talking from the consumer perspective since I have never done such a thing to impress a customer or in this case the recruiter.
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    Thanks for this advice I am also beefing up my github repo to look for new jobs.
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    Cheap wages because companies are bastards. Just say you have more years experience. They wanna play dirty so, so should you
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