So I watched this video that tries to convince people, that the jQuery library isn't really best practice anymore and showed how you can achieve basic tasks with vanilla JS, aswell as some frameworks (Vue, React, Angualar) and how they handle interactions with the DOM.

It also talked about how nearly every JS question on SO has top answers using jQuery, and how that's a bad thing.

But what I found in the comment section of this video was pure horror: So-called "Developers" defending jQuery to the death. Of course there were some people who made some viable arguments (legacy code, quick & dirty projects), but the overwhelming majority were people making absurd claims and they seemed quit self-confident.


Want an example?

  • 25
    $(".jquery.fanboy").remove(); // 😊
  • 6
    A colleague once wanted to add jQuery as a dependency to our Angular 5 project to use his favorite swiper library...
  • 4
    @gintko most of them probably aren't _working_ in the IT department, they _are_ the IT departmemt. No competition = no urge to develop new skills.
  • 8
    JQuery is still very much useful, supported and most importantly stable as fuck. I have no problem with other frameworks but it's (yet again) a case of right tool for the job... Me, far as I can tell I rather have cancer than put html in the Javascript, it's disgusting. The only thing more disturbing would be Javascript on the backend... Oh, wait...
  • 4
    @cobolplz main point is: you really, really don't need jQuery (btw no framework) nor any framework to handle basic (or even non-rudimentary) DOM tasks. And if you are concerned about backwards compatibility you can always use a service like polyfill.io!
  • 2
    JQuery hate that bloatware lagging bitch!
  • 1
    To me, jQuery is not a tool for making applications, it's a tool to simplify html manipulation and traversal. People shouldn't compare Angular or React with jQuery, it's comparing apples and oranges. With that said, jQuery is great at what it's supposed to do and there's no harm to use it in special cases on top of other frameworks. Although I haven't needed to use jQuery for years now.
  • 4
    Not a frontend developer
    My question is why the heck are people comparing a library with frameworks and fighting over itπŸ€”
  • 1
    @TRex belive me, there are a lot of people who call themselves Web Frontend Dev and can't point out the difference between a library and a framework :')
  • 1
    "multi-browser" isn't even true with the newest versions... and most can be fixed with polyfills anyway, use whatever suits the use case in the best way possible and be done with it.
  • 4

    Zero notification bubbles is the goal
  • 1
    If there were ractions on DevRant this was a grrr
  • 1
    What in the name of fuck is "multi-browser"
  • -1
    @Mayhem93 as in "cross-browser compability", but hey, it's not thát hard to make such connection from this wording..
  • 0
    @Root ironic :P
  • 1
    @dechelon Know that feel. When I play music there is also a dot at my music app super annoying
  • 0
    Can't we import parts of jquery now? Like to use specific things?

    What everybody dislikes is the size of the library to do trivial things, which makes sense

    But using a perfectly good library for something specific that will make your life better also makes sense.
  • 0
    While I can write the exact same function in vanilla JS rather than jQuery, i prefer jQuery because in 9/10 cases it only requires half the code.
  • 1
    @cobolplz if you add axios, then do "const $ = document.querySelectorAll" then you've pretty much got everything jquery has to offer right there
  • 2
    I refuse to use jQuery at this point.
  • 1
    Hot take:

    Yeah, you don’t *need* JQuery, but it’s small, ubiquitous, and makes many tasks easier.
  • 0
    I wonder what would happen if jQuery got wiped off the Internet; as in completely gone.
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