suggestions for a high school kid's personal website? i was cool, eye-catching things so even people who aren't hiring to be entertained

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    Try making it somehow interactive, like a game that involves your interests.
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    content is king.
    read about copywriting and how to write text that sells.
    Find not only the features (facts) of your projects but why it would be beneficial for the visiter too.

    If you master that, you've learned something for life.
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    @ewpratten no, i'm not a blog kind of guy
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    @heyheni a lot of work tho
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    @calmyourtities yes doing websites is no easy task. Even when not putting some thought on how to make a website for your visiters (this is awesome for you because..) but for your self glorification (look! look! I did that.)

    so take 10 minutes more and think about the goal the copy text should achieve. It will pay off. 🙂
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