when i see a java fan...

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    (⌐■ ͜ʖ■)
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    Not a huge fan either. necessary for Android tho..
  • 7
    I started off hating Java, now I don't want to use anything else for server side.
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    Come at me bro
  • 5
    What's everyones problem with java? Sure, it might be a little bit excessive when it comes to imposing structure and it's possible that it might be a little bit heavy at runtime but it's so beautiful and easy to write once you got used to it. Also static typing. Static typing is always a plus in my book.
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    Haters are gonna hate. You non object oriented plebs.
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    Yes, Java sucks so bad. Why anybody still uses it (especially for desktop UI stuff) is beyond me.
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    I create lightweight microsevices in Java. Yes, lightweight.
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    Java can't be light-weight. 😝 It's against the laws of nature.
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    It depends on the programmer to make it lightweight. Language is just a tool. Mold the program however you want to.
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    @zettageek still use it? It's the most used language in the world. It's a general purpose language. AWL, JavaFX and Spring are all good for desktop btw.
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    So no one has heard of JIT? You know you don't have to run Java on the default run time environment. Like android uses there own.
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    Maybe my beef with Java is how poorly implemented stuff is that I interface with. Here's the first things that come to mind for me: Battery drain. Performance is laggy. Java Swing and it's butt ugly UI. Random crashing. Did I mention bad performance?
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    Oh-- and TOTAL CRAP Oracle Forms apps that have Java as a runtime dependency. Shoot me now.
  • 5
    @zettageek Where on earth did you even see a Java Swing program? I'm a Java guy and that's a rare sight for me. To be fair a trainee could put together a Swing program, so that was probably the case with whatever you're talking about. Don't blame the tool man.
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    @zettageek like all languages of this size there is an ugly side. I feel sorry that you have only seen that side...
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    @JavaRules The training book I had used Swing. Was so freaking ugly. Ended up going a different direction. (JS FTW)
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    @zettageek I had the same thing, used Swing once. Laughed. Then moved on. But kept with Java.
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    For desktop UI, yes, Java blows. I remember my brief stint with Swing #neveragain
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    when I see a PHP fan
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