
Reactdev, what kind of ui library that usually you guys use and really easy to understand? Something like material ui, react-table or anything like that. I just need a really easy components library that I can use for small projects

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    Should I be the obnoxious guy who thinks bootstrap is the solution to everything? Nah fuck that.

    Have you tried ant design?
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    DIY, in the end its just buttons and inputs 👍😂
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    At my workplace, all web(apps) are custom designed by (mostly) external designers, so we create all component stylings ourself for each individual project.
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    I use Semantic UI, which has a react library. Good for quick projects, I think... https://react.semantic-ui.com/
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    React strap!
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    @ananaszjoe bootstrap not bootstrapped enough imo lol, still need to configure a lot

    @nathanasius @ThomasRedstone thanks I’ll look into

    @karma @PonySlaystation I haven’t tried creating input with validation and tables with paging yet, and this one got a really short deadline
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    @500P3R-B414 I’ll look into it

    @racsoraul material ui seems kinda deep, I’ve seen some of it

    @perotti haven’t tried bulma on real projects, is it really that simple?
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    @devTea never used it but I have good recommendations for it
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    @devTea bulma is really good, sort of thing you can leave for a while and come back to and it all still makes sense
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    I wrote some components for work in preact for bulma, I’m in the process of refactoring them in react and adding styleguidist then I will stick it up on github
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    @gruff thanks sir, I got no problem using any css framework for static elements, my problem is when I’m trying to style it together and most of them rely on jquery, I’m not sure how to put it together with react. Like sweet alert, datatables, select2 etc, especilly together with validation
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    @devTea nice thing about bulma is it has no js so you have to do it yourself anyway I do it by passing props down to the children. I’ll create an example in a min and show you what I mean
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    @devTea here you go, it is a navbar component but is in preact, easy enough to convert. It has state to tell if the drawer is open. You can pass in click event handlers to children and manage the state in a higher component, of which all children update based on the new props https://gist.github.com/grufffta/...
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    @gruff thanks a lot 😁
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    @gruff is it me or bulma documentation kinda poor?
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    @devTea I didn’t think it was to bad, although does seem to be more learn by example and sometimes they refer to something that hasn’t been explained properly
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    i'd go with materialui just because it is more easier to use and understand
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