
Make everything dark...

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    @ganjaman What do you mean?
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    Push power button for 5 sec to reach perfect dark mode in every app.
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    @linuxxx Think he's saying anything is better than whatsapp, which is an extremely accurate statement.
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    @Stuxnet Hey, we agree on something for once 😮
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    @linuxxx I'll let ya in on a secret...

    I'm going to start using linux more regularly soon for some security shit while learning lol

    Trying to get my hands on a cheap computer to play with over winter break, but if nothing else I'll use my pi
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    @FrodoSwaggins I'mma hit up a local pawnshop first of next week. I'm good friends with the owner, but if that doesn't work, then I found an Optiplex 7020 for $40 on Craigslist.
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    @FrodoSwaggins Because it's easy to use and everybody (nearly) over here uses it (netherlands).

    You literally can't get along socially when you don't use it in the Netherlands (I don't).

    It's like a fucking life requirement over here.
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    BTW I use Telegram X
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    If their server went dark, that would be news :)
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    Still using GBWhatsApp lol
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    @FrodoSwaggins because my service provider gives me infinite data on Whatsapp and Bip!
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    @melezorus34 so basically your service provider is actively promoting their customers to give their private data to facebook?
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    @FrodoSwaggins yeah, in the netherlands there is a provider who offers music streaming for free. If you as consumer see that a service is not included they will add it to their "free list". My brother has its own music on a NAS and can stream it for free because of it.
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    @Codex404 that started way before WhatsApp became Facebook's
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    @Codex404 ayy would you look at that, we do too!
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