
The most frustrating situation
when you do competitive coding...
2/50 test cases failed . tried all possible .. and still not done !!
its like "operation success patient dead" .....

  • 5
    It is mostly when you miss some corner cases
    Try to put values upto the max limit specified in the input constraints
  • 4
    @Sirish I see CodeChef. Which city you in ?
  • 2
    I know that feel bro
  • 1
    @harshj94 ur ryt !! but I have checked the corner cases !!! T-T

    like past 4 days !!
  • 1
  • 3
    guys !! I got it !! :') finally it got me like 30 try and you know what its is simple if-else statement !! which ruined my 4 days !!

    but NVM , finally I get satisfaction you know !!
  • 1
    @-red yes this is Codechef ...

    the recently they are trying something new called as the interactive problem .. .

    where.. understanding the problem is difficult

    @-red did you try that ??
  • 4
    @Sirish Which problem is this ? Problem code ?
  • 1
    @-red its December Long Challenge .. I guess it gets over in a day or so .. try it..
  • 1
    @-red first 2 are too easy try 3rd one!!!
  • 4
    @Sirish Division 2 right ? I can only do Division 2.
    Max and Electrical Panel ?
  • 1
    @-red yes !!
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