I googled "fuck apple" and ended up here... so yeah fuck this piece of shit company with shitty overpriced cancer inducing products. Xcode is the worse garbage I've ever seen in my life. For a company that masturbates to their superior design well they can eat a fat dick cause its horrible. Everything this fucking company does makes me waste my time. Add a fucking notch to their displays, retarded app store process, makes you workaround to install latest OS on older machines, hide options in convoluted interface, everything, make you feel like your 12 again and living with your parents. fuck them. fuck apple fan boys. fuck tim cook. fuck kids that jack off to iphones fuck you if you own a macbook and drink at starbucks . this is the last fucking ios app I ever make. bye

  • 12
    Preach it, brother.

    That was good to read. I spent my lunch break working on a Unity app that I chucked on my android phone; took me like 20 minutes.

    I would not have the same luck with Crapple. :p
  • 14
    @irene I guess it was his way of ranting before he knew about devRant
  • 1
    I love your nickname and your first four rant words.
  • 1
    i actually like xcode 😅
  • 2
    Instant favorite 😁 welcome to devRant!
  • 5
    I googled "fuck apple" and ended up on this rant. 🤔
  • 2
    @Observable seriously, you ran into no problems in Xcode? I have been brutalized by that ruddy POS for 19 years, still struggle with its counter-intuitive design and plethora of defective operations.
  • 2
    I searched fuck apple on ddg.
    All I got were some articles complaining about the headphones jack, a website that's the old apple loading symbol, and a bunch of porn.
    So good on you for not using that.
  • 2
    Xcode is a great IDE , some folks prefer to say Xcode is crap because they simply don’t master it or even the languages to code on it.So if I don’t understand it it MUST be Apple problems not me ...
  • 1
    @dontbeevil Ah, yes, like in the Cold War era where in Russia you waited in line for toilet paper and you were happy ... because at least you could get toilet paper! (Xcode, toilet paper at 80 grit)
  • 0
    @Observable if you have more of those lucky horseshoes, I'll by one from you. 18 m without truly hating Xcode is either the tolerance of Gandhi or the luck of Phil Ivey
  • 2
    @hugo007 I have no tolerance for something that constantly corrupts its own cache files.. so much so that you have a menu item to delete them (fucking bandaid on a sucking chest wound).

    Search stack overflow for Xcode defects and you have days of reading. I easily waste a minimum of 20% of my time dicking around with Xcode defect workarounds, sometimes chewing up a whole week of productivity.

    But I have had the luxury of using real IDEs on Mac that pre-date Xcode so my source of comparison is different than most who take the abuse that Xcode dishes... CodeWarrior, Macintosh Programmer's Workshop (MPW), even Microsoft BASIC was better designed.
  • 1
    @thatsnotnice I have code that used http for a service over which I have no control. Apple, out of the blue, decided to start crashing apps that used http unless they had a magic entry in the info.plist. I didn't discover the problem was not my code until after a full day of rooting through code, debugging, and hitting stackoverflow hard.

    I finally discovered it was Apple forcing "NSAppTransportSecurity" and their way is not to trigger an alert on the debugging app. Oh fuck no, they just arbitrarily crash your god damn app.

    The fucktard "engineers" at app try to justify that this is safer and as developers we need to tell the service that we are using they need to us SSL/TLS. Yea, accessing dictionary.com really needs TLS to safeguard state secrets and of course they will listen to some open source developer demanding they spend 100K+ on SSL accelerator hardware.

    Xcode and Apple fucktards crashed my app & wasted an entire day of my time. I have plenty more examples...
  • 0
    @xcodesucks I understand your frustration
    well... actually it has been written everywhere for 3 years now that ATS and SSL/TLS connections were going mandatory for every 3rd party server from beginning 2017
    the alternative is to flag NSAllowsArbitraryLoads to true, but if you want to ship your code thru them then you must apply for a special grant and justify your needs

    i understand than when they introduced ATS as mandatory, a lot of people went missing correct and meaningful warnings about it. i heard this thing quite a lot of times. didn't happen to me, but i guess it must be very annoying

    all in all i must say i find apple deploy and release system already quite smooth and essential (i prefer strong opinionated things). i mean, what are the competitors doing? filling projects with mega-XMLs so you can configure the wheel over and over? cmon
    the only constant here is that when it comes to deploy/release, whatever your platform is, docs suck (imho MS the only decent here)
  • 3
    I’m only here to say...”masturbates to their superior design” was an epic quote....and I love my iPhone and MacBook Pro. Personally I hate doing iOS app dev. I love using my devices, not coding for them.
  • 0
    All i can picture is this going down like...
    *listening to someone*
    > hmm... ok... Google...
    *enter dumb idea*
    > Fuck Apple!

    *[phone] - here are 1.3m results for fuck apple*
  • 1
    @thatsnotnice well before the announcement. Again, I don’t own the service and it’s not Apple’s place to dictate their implementation, nor mime.

    Their HomeKit crap uses http-not-s so hypocrites they are.
  • 0
    I upvoted this from my iPhone XS
  • 1
    ahah i didn't know about that homekit thing 😂
  • 0
    @thatsnotnice hit one of your HomeKit devices via up in safari and it will likely respond with some error display as html. ;-)
  • 1
    I have to - - this

    -Apple fan boy
  • 0
  • 1
    There are these rants that make you go "god, misery does love company" and actually make me feel a little better.

    We should be able to "+" something repeatedly once a month, like this rant. 🙃
  • 0
    @hugo007 how long have you been using Xcode? Perhaps familiarity breeds concept. I've hated it since it was called Project Builder in 2000, and hated it more with every counter-intuitive, defect ridden, features-before-stability release.
  • 0
    Since iOS 6
  • 1
    How to fuck apple hard

    Go to google, search for apple

    click apple ads

    apple gives money to Google

    Hail Google!
  • 1
    All the "fuck apple" searches lead to this post it seems....
    In my case I have to develop a Xamarin app (my first ever Xamarin app) on Android and IOS. Fucking apple won't let me use an emulator for free. They pretend that somehow I spend money on their elitist, overvalued, and overpriced hardware, even just for developing a simple app. Well, I don't have an stupid apple device at home and I don't want to have one, fuck you apple.
    I've been all day trying to install mac OS on a VM, but it's a fucking nightmare. People can say whatever they want about Windows, but at least they let me download their last ISO freely and install a Windows VM it's 20 times simpler.
  • 0
    Extremely awful how they apple is fucking dare and they doesn't care who bought iPhone!!!!
  • 0
  • 0
    Signed up just to rant FUCK APPLE after it makes me redownload an entire fucking update of 14 gigs because I was 30.8mb shy of space. Cunts only bother telling you this after I downloaded the entire fucking download. What's worse is that when you clear up the space and try update it makes you download the update again from scratch. WTF I AM SO FUCKING DONE WITH CUNTPPLE!
  • 0
    I googled "apple fuck" and ended up here. Really enjoyed your rant, Just wanted to say that. Bye!
  • 0
    I don't know what's this website and who you are and what are you doing. I just googled "fuck iphone" and reached here. So I signed up to say fuck iphone. Really I hate iphone. Never hated anything before like this. fuck iphone.
  • 1
    Apple surpasses even oil companies in their greed and dishonesty. As of June 2023, their sales webpage still lists the iPhone SE from 2016, even though it’s been unsupported for over a year. In the specs, they show the video as being 720P, even though it goes up to 4K. No mention of it having a headphone jack, of course. It’s the last iPhone that did.

    In my personal dealings with the company, I’ve been lied to, right to my face. Many times. They broke the screen on my 2015 MacBook Pro, and tried to get me to pay for the repair. They didn’t succeed. I got a new screen for free.

    When replacing the expanding battery in my 2016 iPhone SE, they broke the vibrator, and of course tried to get me to pay for it. When I pointed out they must have broken it while removing the screen, the lying asshole claimed that was my fault. According to this “professional“, Apple has “special secret methods” of replacing batteries, without removing the screen. hahahahaha!

  • 0
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    @i-despise-apple a wise man once told me never assume malice, when incompetence can be the cause
  • 0
    Hey Siri, please reimburse me and fuck off, when you get there turn right and fuck off some more.

    This is the last fucking Crapple I'll ever buy.

    overpriced POS. wasted half my fucking easter trying to get a fucking logo on email signature. fucking thing dictates how much battery juice to charge, battery depletes faster than a sinking ship. Try putting the thing in one's shirt pocket, almost broke the stitching.

    Can't do this, can't do that, fuck it's like being a 10-year-old at home. Nah GVT does enough of that thanks.

    Absolutely have FA idea what the hype is with these retarded devices. Fuck all is simple. camera quality is piss poor and temperamental, over heats just charging.

    So yeah, fuck all those delusional IQ deficient apple wanking fucktards thinking Crapple is the dogs bollocks. On the plus side when kicked it flies faster than Musks rocket. Swapped sims and used my trusty 5 year old P30 pro. Sanity restored.
  • 0
    LOL - I love this, it seriously cracked me up and I feel completely the same way - my God you may be my evil twin the way you speak. Shine on my friend - Laura
  • 0
    4. Solder every goddamn part to the motherboard so they can’t be repaired. No more replaceable SSD. No more upgradable ram. Anything breaks on your Mac, and you’re fucked.

    5. Put the CPU heat sink on the back of the board, so users must disassemble everything just to replace Apple’s cheap-ass thermal paste.

    6. Release a new OS every year, so that slightly old Macs can be declared obsolete when they still work perfectly fine.

    7. No accountability. You will never encounter a single apple employee ever admitting they made a mistake. It was your fault! They have broken mini parts when repairing my equipment, trying to blame me and charge me. Fuck you Apple! I won every time, but was always told by some tech that this was a special favor for just me, just this once. There isn’t this much manure on a 100 acre cattle ranch.
  • 1
    i own a macbook for school, because my school forces me to use one. so i just get around that by installing windows onto my macbook. since my school forces everyone to use a macbook, fuck my school
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