Which color scheme is soft to eyes. I am using one Dark atom for now. Please share yours

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    I use One Dark Pro.
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    @C0D4 but its little tough to eyes right?
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    @wolfman4 usually when I’ve been staring at the screen all day it can be, otherwise it’s fine.
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    Anything that's dark and minimal blue without being completely orange
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    I like Oblivion right now
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    Make sure that the area behind the monitor is not bright such as windows, other light sources. Eyes will have difficulty adjusting to different light intensities in the same view.
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    @jespersh Try using flux or redshift
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    I use something similar to Monokai Pro, but I tweaked the background color by making it more bluish. I think I also tweaked a few of the other colors too later on.
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    Material dracula. Sublime text

    F.lux with soft settings on any theme helps you not go blind.
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    Black text on black background is very calming, and there's absolutely no eye or brain strain.
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    base16 ocean
    Nord <--- very soothing
    base16 chalk (gorgeous)
    base16 gruvbox dark hard
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    Solarized Light. I work close to a bright window, so I need it very much
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    @irene what i always do is hold a white paper beside the monitor and try to match the brightness/contrast of the monitor to that of the color of the paper
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    I made a colorscheme for vscode
    "Srcery" (author: ethan trithon)
    As a port from the vim scheme of the same name
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    @GodlikeBlock just took a look at srcery and I think I might switch. It looks good.
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