
Mac Book.
Best investment by far.

  • 7
    Ugh, here we go again.
  • 2
    @irene oh well. I have had pretty crappy laptops before so. 🖐️
  • 16
  • 5
    Ok I'll be the nice guy, what sort of MacBook did you get?

    Love my MacBook pro
  • 3
    To be fair, the hardware is nice..
    But the software sucks more and more with every update..
  • 3
    Not even hardware is nice, if some small issue happens on board, prepare bag of money to fix it at apple. Btw, thanks for sharing your happiness with us to justify expensive purchase :)
  • 4
    If by best you mean worst
  • 1
    @ganjaman Aww man. You figured it out. 🤯
  • 2

    My AST is soon 25 years
  • 5
    Pro Macbooks where I live cost 20k and similar to better notebooks cost 6k ... So yeah... Fuck macbooks
  • 1
    You are wrong
  • 3
    I had windows 3.1, 98 SP2, and xp. Constantly had to format and reinstall. Got a 2009 MacBook Pro and nothing went wrong. Sold in 2011 and got a 17” MacBook Pro. That lasted till 2017 when I bought a 2015 15” MacBook Pro which I still use. In my experience, they are worth the couple grand because I don’t spend any time maintaining them. It’s purely profitttt. Although I’m not happy with their latest hardware choices. I think they peaked in 2015.
  • 1
    I have a MacBook, iPhone, and Apple Watch. And I buy whatever is least popular to make myself a better programmer.

    Like buying a 200 horse power car to race against the 400 horse power ones. If I can eek out just enough from it, I am really great.
  • 2
    Congratulations! On serious note; Don't forget to extend warranty or else be ready to be ripped off.
  • 1
    Funny, I’ve been working on Mac again professionally since 2010 and I don’t experience any of the negatives things you are talking about. Hate all you want. Macs are really fantastic machines with fantastic software.
  • 2
    How is this a rant? 🤔
  • 1
    Until you face your first issue about screen blue marks and keyboard issues only to realize you only have 2 days left for the warranty and it's Friday and you're just fucked.

    Unless you got lucky, you're gonna have to wait 40 days

    40. Business. Days.

    That 5 to 10 business days promise? Bullshit.
  • 4
    @Revenger i don’t know of any of these issues and never had them, neither my colleagues had any of these.. Yeah one of the only issues i have now and then it’s that sometimes it freezes randomly and the only way to unfreeze it is by force shutdown.. But other than that the experience a dev has on mac/os x it doesn’t even come close to windows(mac’s way better). And the issues that arise in windows you never have them on mac. Let’s not talk about touchpad or the flexibility you have on mac because then we will have to talk for the rest of the day... Stop talking about mac or os x when you never had one, or you never had the will to work with t for some time 🙂
  • 2
    @LeMeow rant was an unnecessary tag
  • 0
    congrats on the macbook.. could have gotten and i7 8th gen with a 1060 on the same price level tho
  • 1
    @monmadmatt but you wouldn’t have an os x then, and you would have to use a mouse for the rest of its life(bcs touchpad on most of windows laptops sucks).. and the battery after 2y you either should change that or stick it into wall whenever you use it.. so yeah more money spent are worth i’d say
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