FUCK documentation that says you can find documentation on the web for something else this requires -- that's where I found THIS documentation! Why not just link it or put a simple example of how to use YOUR product!

  • 0
    That looks like you are trying to integrate one js framework with another js framework :p
  • 1
    or worse a link to a 404
  • 0
    @varundey fontforge, python and trying to patch a font for airline for vim. Need python 2.7, OK done. Needs fontforge module OK. pip install python-fontforge doesn't work. pip needs and upgrade OK done, still doesn't work. pip install fontforge doesn't work. fontforge can be compiled as a python extension, is that the same as a python module 'the font patcher requires python bindings to work' is a binding a module or extension? anyway wtf I give up and just used another font which worked instead of trying to see how far down the dependency hole goes. One of the docs said documentation is available go find it. Fuck that.
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