
I built a spherical voronoi minesweep

  • 3

    Will you publish it somewhere?
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    publish it! wanna try it 😁
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    @just8littleBit @user261 https://github.com/txstc55/...

    You will need c++ and cmake to build the project, have fun
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    @K-ASS cool, thanks man!
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    Looks really cool. Is this a known version of Minesweeper, or was it your idea?
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    How do I play with all those colors? Which cell s are unclicked?
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    @Marl3x there are some versions of 2d voronoi minesweeper which I also implemented, but the spherical one is new
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    @billgates the unclicked cells always have a brighter colour while the clicked ones have a darker colour
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    Looks pretty neat. I'll have a look into it after work 👍
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    Very nice idea. I assume that it was fun to work out the mathematics and algorithms. 👍
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    It looks like the areas are polygon based. But how did you do voronoi polygons? Or is it a spherical texture?
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    @Lensflare so first of all I use a Python library to calculate the spherical voeonoi cells, which are defined by the boundary points of the cell. Then, connect each edge with the center of the polygon, which now give you a set of triangles that make up the cell. For each triangle, recursively construct four triangles by connecting the midpoint of each edge until the triangle is small enough.
    So essentially what you see is just a massive collection of triangles instead of a sphere. It's also explained in readme.
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    Cool idea man I really like it.
    Can I mplement this as a personel project some day ?
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    @nedjima sure go ahead
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    @nedjima if you have any question regarding the detail of implementation just open an issue
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    Thank you. I'm busy with other stuff and flagged it as to do project :p
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