
For everyone that has complained that my apartment and keyboards are messy... It's nowhere as bad as this stuff...


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    @Alice problem? What problem? My point is I don't see it as a significant problem, it could be much worse.
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    @Alice so whats your proposed solution? Treat your problems like first world problems? Not all of them can be solved in a few minutes and not all of them are priorities.
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    @zemaitis yes I got bigger fish to fry. Everything is cost vs. benefit. Ain't much benefit to keeping everything spotless.
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    Doesn't even look messy. Everything is in bags or boxes. It's just a lot of stuff that is not hidden behind a door. Imo a home should look like someone lives there anyway. It just feels creepy if there are no signs of life.
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    @electrineer did you notice there's a kid in the picture... 😄 I just noticed too tho...

    I think at least in my apartment it's definitely easier to spot people...
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    @billgates yeah it took a while. And partly explains the amount of stuff.

    But I'm pretty sure the stuff on the bed will move somewhere before the night.
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    @Alice and this is how I end up with more stuff
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