Want to read a book that can help me avoid newb mistakes and can help me write beautiful code ?

Pragmatic programmer(1999)
Clean code
any other book ?
Help me !!?

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    Pragmatic programmer is general programming practices that can help you better understand projects and make you a better professional.
    It's a great book and must read but not for what you are looking for.
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    Clean code is popular among my friends
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    I heard many great things about Clean code
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    Also important :

    Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software


    Head First Design Patterns - A Brain-Friendly guide
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    Code Simplicity by Max Kanat-Alexander
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    It's still relevant.
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    @FrodoSwaggins @electriZer
    Okay thats it i am goin with "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software"
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    @ravijojila yeah
    Sorry deleted the cmnt
    Yep pragmatic programmer is on top of my list after i complete Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented .
    And all the other books if i need to read and learn something more!
    Thank you all ❤
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    any book cant help you to improve your code !!
    just try try try try and one day you will see you are better than past
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    @morteza books do help you !

    Though books only help you if you implement it again n again !
    So yes ! trying again n again improves you. 🙂
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    @syed1hassan reading source codes are better than books , books are good for beginner
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    No one mentioning SICP, The Structure and interpretation of Computer Programs?

    It's a classic, but not about writing code itself though ;)
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    @morteza guess what i am a beginner !
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