I don't know why universities dont tech version controlling.. i used to save backups of my final year project as a RAR files. I mean when I started the job and got to know the git. It was enlightening..

  • 2
    See here's my two cents:

    University shouldn't spoon fees you EVERYTHING you need.

    Should it be mentioned and stressed that you learn it? Hell yes.

    But at some point as grown ass adults, you need to take initiative and teach it to yourself.

    www.codecademy.com has a course on it and it won't take a lot to learn it.
  • 0
    @Stuxnet Is version control too much to ask for when completing a freaking degree? It's one of the most basic skills, besides being able to use a keyboard. Version control should be taught early on, you'll use it everywhere... Also, there's a pretty big difference in being spoon feed something and having to complete a course. It's just like doing it on codeacademy for God's sake.
  • 4
    When I was getting my computer science last year we were using git and GitHub to turn in assignments even the assignments were written in markdown in GitHub repos, best assignment experience I've had.

    This was at a school called CPH business in Denmark.
  • 1
    @Stuxnet I don't see why spoon feeding keeps popping up in this context, did you skip a meal today? That would actually explain your tone.

    Versioning is obviously an essential skill, hence the university should put it on the curriculum. It would have helped me out heaps when starting out.
  • 1
    No, it shouldn't be a thought. University should teach to teach learn by yourself, not how to use tool X or Y or Z. After graduating your should understand how the tool works by knowing the algorithms behind it. And they fail for most of the time, judging by looking at people struggling with git rebase.
  • 3
    @ihatecomputers my university did. Or well, not on any official curriculum but they did say we should learn it and then paid a few TAs to host a little workshop that taught us the basics of git. We were about 10 people who showed up but it was good and useful. I still meet people who don't know how to use it now and it's frustrating to have to work with them. I don't think it was spoonfed to us and I think it's an essential skill so it makes sense to be introduced to the basics of it. I appreciated it anyway and I don't feel like I'm an idiot for not having gone and learnt it myself spending much more time than I did 🙃 haters gonna hate
  • 0
    @Stuxnet sure. I learnt half of the stuff anyway from the internet. But sometimes getting you to the right direction is enough. I am from Pakistan and I don't know of any university that taught it. I dont think most teachers know how it works here.
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