Does any one else feel like changing the theme in brackets makes them want to code more?

  • 8
    That is either a very weird theme or a blurry camera lens. It looks cool but I probably wouldn't use it for coding.
  • 2
    My main is vscode. Extra 2 editors are sublime text and brackets. I don't like atom. Even with OS X the start up is slow! 😡
  • 2
    Yo what the fuck
  • 1
    It’s called Neon Lights
  • 5
    It's past christmas.
  • 9
    Does it blink too? Also, a ringbell sound would be nice every time you hover any of those fancyass tags 😂
  • 1
    Glow oO
    Fancy, but I would hate it I think.
  • 2
    @irobotics God damn you. The more I look at the image the more I wanna try coding with the neon theme. And I know it's gonna be very bad. 😂
  • 1
    BRB, gonna download Brackets for this
  • 1
    INB4 Stop taking pictures of your monitor with your phone anlnd use snipping tool/scrot/maim/shotgun like a sensible person
  • 1
    "coding" HTML?
  • 3
    @nam17887 don't be that guy.

    We all know what the message is. No need to get all "technically..." about it.
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