
`alias pull="find . -name .git -print -execdir git pull \;"`

A while ago, I found someone asking about personal favorite aliases. I cannot find it now.

I am not a huge terminal user so I don't really care about keeping aliases until now.

It became annoying to `git pull` before doing anything when you are using two different machines regularly and there are always about a dozen active repos.

  • 2
    alias cls="clear"
    alias dir="ls -lah"
    alias cd..="cd .."
    alias copy="cp"
    alias ren="mv"
    alias rename="mv"; stock rename must not be present (stock rename is also garbage)
    alias cmd="/bin/sh"
    alias command="/bin/sh"
    alias command.com="/bin/sh"
    alias win="startx"

    the list goes on

    Linux cli is usually better but there are a few key things DOS/Windows did better in CLI
    (example: "rename some-*-here*.* no-*-here*.*" works in Windows and DOS but Linux shits out something about Perl and strict mode and such. This also applies to the copy/cp and move/mv pairs too but they usually give not-found errors or only do things with one file, miss files, etc.)

    oh and also

    alias yum="apt"; (Debian distros only, i'm used to Fedora back when fedora was good)
    alias update="apt update;apt upgrade"; (Debian distros only, again)
  • 1
    @Parzi I almost never use Windows cmd 😛
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